Spring Flooring Styles

050520 American Flooring Starloc Vinyl 03
050520 American Flooring Starloc Vinyl 03

Spring is here! And there is no better way to celebrate the season then to give your home a refreshing and updated look. If you are itching to renovate your home this season, here is some popular spring flooring ideas.

Gray Flooring

Gray hardwood, carpeting, and tile have been gaining popularity for the past few years, and the trend is still going strong. The color offers a calm, clean, and unique look to a home. There is also a variety of gray colors, from lighter to darker shades.

Whitewash Finish

With summer months coming to a near, everyone wants a brighter and more natural looking home to compliment the sunlight. To welcome that light, there is a rising demand for lighter floors. Spring and summer is when whitewashed flooring becomes extremely popular. The bright and natural look is a perfect way to compliment the season.

Distressed Flooring

If you’re looking for a natural and rustic look for your home, distressed flooring might be a perfect option. Specifically light distressed flooring is very popular because of it’s twist on classic and contemporary wood flooring.

We hope these spring trends will give you a fresh inspiration for your home. To find out more about flooring options, visit one of our Lansing locations and our design consultants will help you every step of the way.