Hardwood Trends for the New Year

Once the Thanksgiving guests are gone and the leftovers are eaten, we can look forward to the winter season, and the new year. If you’re looking for flooring inspiration, check out these fresh favorites for 2017.

Classical, neutral wood flooring is becoming less favorable and bold, unique looks are in. Homeowners are choosing colors that make a statement, whether gray, light, or dark flooring.

Ring in the New Year and choose your favorite trend of 2017 at one of our American Flooring locations.

Dark Hardwood

050520 American Flooring Indusparquet 03
050520 American Flooring Indusparquet 03

Dark floors are commonly used to contrast bright whites in households, such as white cabinets and tables. The dark flooring also helps rooms appear cozier and warmer. We can expect this trend of colors such as espresso brown and darker to stick around.

Light Hardwood

Super light floors are becoming increasingly popular. Light floors make your space look brighter and larger with the compliment of natural light. Light floors also help keep the place looking fresh and clean.

Gray Hardwood

Although gray floors aren’t as common, the trend is still gaining popularity. Gray stands in between the extreme light and dark to provide a calming and comfortable vibe.

November 29, 2016 News