The Value of Laminate Flooring

Our “chase away the winter blues” sale is going on now, including 10% to 30% off all hard-surface flooring. But laminate flooring is an affordable option that captures and mimics the sophistication of natural hardwood at the fraction of the cost, all year round!

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050520 American Flooring Mannington Laminate 02 2

Laminate flooring is a synthetic product made of several layers that are sealed together in the “lamination” process. It is designed to be extremely durable due to its’ four layers of protection. The layers provide support and stability, while having dent and scratch resistance.

  • Type: Laminate can come in planks that mimic hardwood, or squares that replicate tile. Discover which laminate shapes will best fit your home.
  • Look: Laminate is available in a wide range of different colors, textures, and finishes. The Laminates are available in glossy and matte coatings. If you want the laminate to appear as a realist wood appearance, the surface will be distressed and hand-scraped with authentic looking knots. If you are looking for a modern look there are a wide range of options from polished marble, slate, and tile.
  • Maintenance: Luckily laminate flooring is low maintenance. It can withstand most dents, scratches, and bumps due to the wear layer. Although it is fairly water resistant, watch out for puddles that can eventually soak into the seams and cause damage.

To find out more about Laminate options for your home, visit our Lansing or Okemos locations, and our design consultants will help you every step of the way.

January 5, 2016 News