What carpet fits your home?

Carpeting is one of the largest investments in your home and choosing what best suits your space can be an overwhelming process. There are a few things that can be done to eliminate the stress. American Flooring wants to make sure the carpet selection process is easy and enjoyable. We want your flooring to fit the needs of you and your living space.

Before feeling swamped about carpet choices, ask yourself these questions.

Does the carpet aid the function of the room?

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050520 American Flooring 12 1 2

Ask yourself “What is the purpose of this room and who is it for?” Think of what the carpet will add to the environment and to the purpose of this room. Will it promote activity or relaxation?

How much foot traffic does will this room receive?

The amount of traffic the room will receive points out what carpet type and color should be used. If the room has a large amount of traffic, darker-colored carpet would be a smarter option compared to lighter-colored carpet.

Which carpeting matches the room’s interior design?

Think of how well the carpet will connect with other parts of the house. Do you want the carpet to blend in with the rest of the house or do you the carpet to make a bold statement? You want the carpet to balance well with other rooms in order to complement the rest of your decor.

What size room will you carpet?

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050520 American Flooring Stainmaster Carpet Living 01

Carpet color and carpet density is important in changing the space and environment of your room or house. If you want a large room to look cozier, darker colors are the right choice. If you want small spaces to look larger, light colored carpets are the way to go. Every color gives a different energy and feeling to the room, no matter what the size is.

Which carpet shows off your personality?

One of the biggest factors is choosing a carpet that defines your personality and makes you feel at home. Get inspired with our online carpeting gallery.

Let American Flooring show you the difference between ordinary and extraordinary flooring: our focus is helping you, not selling carpet. We provide flooring products and carpeting installation you deserve. Visit our Lansing or Okemos flooring showrooms to meet with an American Flooring HGTV Design Consultant.

October 26, 2015 News