Go Green, Go American Flooring

People are talking about going green and living sustainable, environmentally-friendly lives.

050520 American Flooring American Flooring Green Home Improvement Bamboo 1
050520 American Flooring American Flooring Green Home Improvement Bamboo 1

Traditional, natural materials like wool carpets offer elegant, long-term solutions. Floors with the strength to last and the quality to biodegrade are often the lowest impact to grow and harvest, such as cork and bamboo. Cork is used in European homes, and American Flooring is bringing this sustainable home improvement to Michigan.

050520 American Flooring American Flooring Green Home Improvement Cork
050520 American Flooring American Flooring Green Home Improvement Cork

Bamboo floors provide families a similar feel to teak hardwood flooring, without the carbon footprint of other options. Used for generations, ask an American Flooring how to fit this environmentally-responsible solution in your home.

So much time is spent in our homes: a great way to live a greener life is your flooring. Drop by and ask American Flooring how to “go green” in your home.